On Friday I attended my Design Studies lecture where we received a talk from an employee of Graven images, a design company based in Glasgow. It was very refreshing and a bit of an eye opener receiving a talk from some one who has worked in the Design business for many years. The woman in question was Emma Murphy and she spoke to us about client expectations and the briefing process. Along the way she gave a lot of examples of the companies work and she spoke from her own experiences within the business. This manner of giving information across made me learn a lot, question my own work and where I want to go with it in the future and made me think about the world of design in more depth than ever before. The balance between what you want to create and what clients expect from you is a major issue and I'd never took much care to think about the importance of clients before. This seems idiotic as if I want a job in Graphic Design I must think of clients at all times. So now that it has been brought to my attention I shall take the time to take them in to consideration. The lecture also underlined how important the brief is, and that you need to keep going back to it over and over again to see that you are on the right tracks and find a new perspective every time you go over it.
This info and more has made me think about briefs in a whole new way, I will question what I am doing to tackle a brief a lot more.
Essential Skills of being a designer
inter disciplinarity is the way forward!
-the ear of a librarian
-the imagination of a child
-the head of an accountant
-the tongue of a salesman
-the fluid sketching hand of a four year old
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