I found Proffesor Mike Press' lecture today ruudy great! The lectures title; DESIGN in the age of knowledge, experience, and terror seemed rather boring, but I was happily shocked at how much interesting information, how many inspiring words and the amount of energy that came from one mans mouth. There was barely a moment where I wasn't laughing. There was no time to be bored as I sat and listened eager to hear the next peice of information that was to be said. The amount that was squeezed in to two hours was frankly amazing and really great! It was easy to tell that Mike Press was really passionate and really believed in what he was telling us which give me so much faith in design. I feel really passionate about recycling and working towards a more sustainable world but no one believes that we can turn the world around and save it, apparantly "it's too late!" I can think of millions of great plans and ideas to make things better but I know that it would have to be on a big scale to make any big changes and Id really like to get these plans in to action but it is such a struggle to get people to believe in changing their ways. However after hearing what Jusia Wedgewood did in his time, it made me believe that anything can be done and that YES we should THINK BIG! I want to change the world in a big way with my design and there is no reason why I can't! I learned three very important things today; we don't design things or products, we design the experience that those things give to people, designers shouldn't be afraid to THINK BIG, and the meaning of life haha!Apparantly what we need to do is reinvent our Sigmoid curve at point A, before it gets to point B. This is such good advice and so inspiring! It makes me want to create change all the time and keep my curve going up for as long as possible! CREATE YOUR OWN CHANGE! We need to break out the box of normality... don't think inside the box, think on top of the circle!!
I also think that Design Studies is really good because I'm learning more about the world and the whole world of design instead of just graphics and it makes me happy to think that all my fellow lecture goers are getting to hear all of these inspiring words hopefully injecting some passion in to their bones if its not already there!
Sorry I learned 4 imprtant things today; 4th- ALWAYS check the air flow because if there isn't any air then your pretty buggard!